Cloud incidents API Overview

Cloud incidents are faults, defects, or availability-related issues in Google Cloud or Amazon Web Services that may affect the performance or availability of your applications.

The Known Issues API helps you programmatically obtain your DoiT International cloud provider Known Issues for supported assets such as Google Cloud or Amazon Web Services.


API Reference

The cloud incidents API reference is available at


Required Permissions

No permission is required to access Cloud incidents API

Cloud incidents API has the following methods:


The knownIssues.list method provides a list of all historical and active cloud incidents.

You can filter the list using the following parameters:

Min value for a Known Issue's creation time, in milliseconds since the POSIX epoch. If set, only Known Issues created after or at this timestamp are returned.
Max value for a Known Issue's creation time, in milliseconds since the POSIX epoch. If set, only Known Issues created before or at this timestamp are returned.
An expression for filtering the results of the request. The syntax is key:[<value>]. For example, the platforms:google-cloud will filter the list to include only Google Cloud related Known Issues.

Supported filter keys:

- product - one of the Google Cloud or AWS products
- platform - can be 'google-cloud' or 'amazon-web-services'
- status - can be 'active' or 'archived' Learn more about how to properly use filter *.list requests

Sample knownIssues.list Request to list all active Known Issues for Google Cloud:

curl --location --request GET '|platform:google-cloud' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {YOUR_API_KEY}' \
--data-raw ''



Replace "YOUR_API_KEY" with your actual API key as explained at Get Started

Sample knownIssues.list Response:

	"pageToken": "",
	"knownIssues": [
			"id": "NfSBW5YyXjEO3RWlSAC7",
			"date": 1600886599000000,
			"platform": "google-cloud",
			"product": "Cloud Logging",
			"title": "Google Cloud issue [ONGOING]: Cloud Logging - Alert #169253182",
			"status": "active"


Gets the full details of the individual incident using the issue ID. Note that the issue ID is not the one reported by the cloud provider.

Sample cloudincidents.get Request

curl --location --request GET '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer your-api-key' \
--data-raw ''



Always replace "your-api-key" with your actual API key as explained at Getting Started

Sample cloudincidents.get Response:

	"id": "wByTuKs4Oo2MHHzLwHCA",
	"date": 1606648783,
	"platform": "amazon-web-services",
	"product": "Ec2",
	"title": "Aws Ec2 Operational Issue",
	"status": "archived",
	"summary": "Network Connectivity",
	"description": "[09:07 PM PST] Between 4:59 AM and 11:25 AM KST, a small number of instances experienced connectivity issues in a single Availability Zone in the AP-NORTHEAST-2 Region",
	"symptoms": "",
	"workaroud": ""

Response Body
If successful, the response body contains an instance of Cloud Incident

	"id": string,
	"date": number,
	"platform": string,
	"product": string,
	"title": string,
	"status": string,
	"summary": string,
	"symptoms": string,
	"workaroud": string

Response Body Fields

A cloud incident's unique identifier. Note that this is NOT the ID provided by the cloud provider.
Output only. The last time when this issue was updated, in milliseconds since the epoch.`
The cloud provider for the incident. Can be google-cloud, amazon-web-services, or microsoft-azure.
The product affected by this incident. Examples: EC2, Google BigQuery.
The title of the incident, as reported by the cloud provider.
The status of the incident. Can be either active which means the incident is still ongoing or archived for no longer active incidents.
Short summary explaining the incident as reported by the cloud vendor.
Symptoms of the incident, if reported by the cloud vendor.
Workaround for the incident, if made available by the cloud vendor.