Support API Overview
DoiT offers consulting and support for Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure, and the DoiT Platform, tailored to the specific service tier you're subscribed to. Read more about DoiT Consulting and support.
Support API lets you programmatically log support or advisory requests with DoiT.
API Reference
The Support API reference is available at
Required Permissions
No permission is required to access Support API
Support API has the following methods:
The tickets.list method provides a list of all historical and active tickets.
You can filter the list using the following parameters:
Parameter | Description |
minCreationTime | string Min value for a ticket's creation time, in milliseconds since the POSIX epoch. If set, only tickets created after or at this timestamp are returned. |
maxCreationTime | string Max value for a ticket's creation time, in milliseconds since the POSIX epoch. If set, only tickets created before or at this timestamp are returned. |
filter | string An expression for filtering the results of the request. The syntax is key:[<value>] . For example, the priority:high will filter the list to include only tickets with high priority or severity.Multiple filters can be AND'ed together by connecting with a | . For example: priority:amazon-web-services|status:active will filter the list to include only active AWS tickets.Learn more about how to properly use filter *.list requests |
Sample tickets.list Request to list all tickets with priority set to "high":
curl --location --request GET '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {YOUR_API_KEY}' \
--data-raw ''
Replace "YOUR_API_KEY" with your actual API key as explained at Get Started
Sample tickets.list Response:
"tickets": [
"id": 35266,
"subject": "getting error when running a query",
"severity": "high",
"requester": "[email protected]",
"platform": "google_cloud_platform",
"category": "analytics___etls__google_bigquery",
"lastModified": 1606215498000,
"status": "hold",
"url": ""
"id": 28739,
"subject": "S3 object download not fetching the latest version ",
"severity": "high",
"requester": "[email protected]",
"platform": "amazon_web_services",
"category": "storage__amazon_s3",
"lastModified": 1591885317000,
"status": "closed",
"url": ""
) objectSee object reference here
The tickets.create method gets the full details of an individual ticket using the issue ID. Note that the issue ID is not the one reported by the cloud provider.
Sample tickets.create Request:
curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {YOUR_API_KEY}' \
--data-raw '{
"ticket": {
"subject": "Pod restart every few minutes",
"body": "One of my pods in the GKE cluster keep restarting every few minutes. I checked the log and could not see any obvious reasons. What else should I look for?",
"requester": "[email protected]",
"severity": "low",
"platform": "Google Cloud",
"category": "containers___kubernetes__google_gke"
Sample tickets.create Response:
"id": 35519,
"subject": "Pod restart every few minutes",
"requester": "[email protected]",
"severity": "low",
"platform": "google_cloud_platform",
"category": "containers___kubernetes__google_gke",
"status": "new",
"url": ""
Response Body
If successful, the response body contains an instance of Ticket
"id": number,
"subject": string,
"requester": string,
"severity": string,
"platform": string,
"category": string,
"status": string,
"url": string
Ticket Object Fields
Field | Description |
id | number This is the id of the created ticket. |
subject | string The subject of a ticket, as provided in the request. |
requester | string The email address of the ticket's requester. All notification emails will be sent to this email address. |
severity | string The severity of this ticket. Can be either low (default), normal , high or urgent . |
platform | string The cloud platform referenced in this ticket as listed here. |
category | string The component of the platform for this ticket. Possible values are listed here. |
status | string Status of the ticket. All new tickets are created with the status new . Other possible values are open , solved and closed . |
url | string The link to the ticket comments in the Cloud Management Platform. |
Updated 17 days ago